⭐️ Worldstar Bronze Premiere:
$900 for just a upload to the Worldstar site and App with no promotion or extra help. Video will be posted within 4-5 Days. All Videos Post at 11pm CST) Remember this package comes with NO PROMOTION from us. [DOES NOT INCLUDE OUR INSTAGRAM OR YOUTUBE]
⭐️ Worldstar Bronze Plus 1 Premiere:
$2,000 (Bronze + 1 Week Promo) upload to the Worldstar site and App with 7 Promo Add on. Video will be posted within 1-3 Days. [DOES NOT INCLUDE OUR INSTAGRAM OR YOUTUBE]
⭐️ Worldstar Silver Premiere:
$4000 for 1 video upload within 48 hours. Comes with WORLDSTAR PROMO TRAILER/BANNER. Your video will be on the Worldstar website FRONT Page for 5 days and on the Worldstar Mobile App in the rotation for 7 days. The promotion lasts for a total of 10 days. The video will be seen by viewers that watch the most popular Worldstar videos on our platform. (We Send Worldstar Trailer/Banner To You, We Do Not Post It) [DOES NOT INCLUDE OUR INSTAGRAM OR YOUTUBE]
⭐️ Worldstar Gold Premiere:
$6500 (Everything in Silver and Bronze Package Included plus We Post on our Worldstar Instagram To 20 Million Followers) [DOES NOT INCLUDE OUR YOUTUBE]
⭐️ Worldstar Platinum YouTube Premiere:
$15,000 For Video to be uploaded to our YOUTUBE, INSTAGRAM, WEBSITE and APP! Video also gets trailer and promotion from all previous packages.
If you haven’t had over 5 million views on WorldstarHipHop.com, The label “Heatseekers” will be added to the youtube title. No exceptions.
Heatseekers is mainly for artists that’s upcoming that’s heating up in the industry. Labels and media like to know who’s fresh to check out.
Individual Placements:
$3000 - Medium Top Box
$5000 - Big Top Box
$8000 - Worldstar Youtube Only
$3000 - Worldstar Instagram Only
$400 - Worldstar Apple Playlist Only
Official Worldstar Video Trailer/Banner - $75
**Video Must Already Be Dropping On Worldstar**
Add 1 Day Of Worldstar Site Promo - $150
**Video Must Already Be Dropping On Worldstar**
Add 1 Week Of Worldstar Site Promo - $500
**Video Must Already Be Dropping On Worldstar**
With promo we push the videos with the artist
Like the silver and gold package.
Your video will be on the Worldstar websites main listing page for 3 days and on the Worldstar Mobile App in the rotation for 7 days. The promotion lasts for a total of 10 days. The video will be seen by viewers that watch the most popular Worldstar videos on our platform. We send it out via app push notification to all our app subscribers that have alerts on.
Bigger the package the more days promo